1-Row well from the first stroke!

1-Row well from the first stroke!

Brain keeps memory in reserve in cellular pockets
Brain cells which maintain memory are provided with storage space for proteins which are essential to fix experience and memories. These storage spaces are vesicles which are surrounded by a membrane (endosomes). The presence of these endosomes with the memory proteins makes nerve cells extra sensitive for vehement or repeatedly experienced stimuli. That memory is related to changes in brain cells is obvious, but recently researchers at the Brown and Duke university in the United states unraveled one of the mechanisms for the creation of memory.
When children learn to ride a bike, their nervous system has to process all kinds of new stimuli. At first cycling is a question of dropping and rising, but after some time – and for the rest of their lives – children get onto their bikes and ride away as if it were self evident.
The ability to ride a bike is then anchored into their central nervous system.
In neurobiology learning and remembering are called Long Term Potentiation (LTP).
The central nervous system then adapts to continuously repeating stimuli and ensures that these are followed by a learned or remembered reaction.
The usual explanation for the formation of these fixed patterns is that frequently used connections (synapses) between brain cells can be activated more easily, but how exactly this occurs was hitherto unclear.
Most nerve cells have a long extension with one or more synapses at the end with which they keep in contact with other cells. An impulse is transferred from one cell to another by excretion by the synapse of a dose of neurotransmitters. This chemical message only arrives at the receiving cell if this cell has receptor proteins, capable of binding to the neurotransmitters, in its membrane. It has been known for years that the surface of the membrane of a long term potentiated cell contains a receptor (NMDA) which, upon contact with the neurotransmitter glutamate, triggers action in the receiving cell.
One of these actions is the mobilisation, with lightning speed, of other receptors, in particular one called AMPA. The mobilisation of extra receptors increases the sensitivity of the synapse.
These additional AMPA molecules are released so massively and so rapidly that scientists wondered where these come from so abundantly and so suddenly.
Researchers now have demonstrated that cells that receive repeated impulses have, at the level of their synapses, small submicroscopic pockets (endosomes) in which AMPA is stored.
When necessary, these pockets are emptied and AMPA is transported to the membrane surface by special transport proteins.
The most astonishing aspect of the discovery however was that after use, the used AMPA molecules are retrieved by the same endosomes Apparently these nerve cells have a mechanism to manage their AMPA molecules in a very economic manner. They are permanently available, but only when needed.
Whether they are needed or not, is determined by the “scout” NMDA.
Whether this mechanism is also valid for other substances known to play a role in the creation of memory and in learning processes, will be subject to future research.
In my opinion this article explains the importance of repeated stimuli for learning and remembering a certain pattern of co-ordination, and do it right from the first time on. Because it is vital for the survival of our organism to have a large number of preferential impulse trains and impulse pathways highly automated this way, it also explains why a fixed co-ordination pattern is so difficult to change.
If you regularly repeat an exercise/movement/behavior your nervous system “primes” itself, and can therefore respond very quickly, easily and economically by performing that action as soon as you decide to do it. Complete patterns of movement are stored in an area of the brain which simply starts the entire sequence, rather than remembering the myriad details of that movement.

από την ιστοσελίδα του Carlos Dinares

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