Tα θεμέλια της κωπηλασίας στις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες Αμερικής

Overview of Rowing Statistics in the United States

177,500 persons (+/- 9%)
220,000 persons (+/- 9%)
  • - 77% of the population are sweep rowers
  • - 65% of the population are scullers
  • - 40% are sweep rowers and scullers
  • - 10% are coxswains
  • - 25% are coaches
(Respondents could select more than one role.)
 Approximately 1/3rd of the market is sculling-focused, another 1/3rd is sweep-focused, and a final 1/3rd being more a niche market comprised of recreational, open water, adaptive and indoor rowers.
  • - 43% of the rowing population are Masters rowers (ages 27+)
  • - 28% Collegiate (18-25)
  • - 17% are high school/junior (13-18)
  • - 55% Male
  • - 44% Female
  • - 75% of the rowing population are Masters rowers (ages 27+)
  • - 20% Collegiate (18-25)
  • - 5% are high school/junior (13-18)
  • - 55% Male
  • - 44% Female
Annual Income
  • - 21% of ALL rowers earn $100,000 or more annually
  • - Among Masters rowers, over half (53.2%) earn $75,000 annually and nearly 40% of all Masters earn $100,000 or more annually.
  • - 30% of ALL rowers earn $100,000 or more annually
  • - The average annual Masters income is $105,200 - this is 60% higher than the U.S. national average.
Club and Coach Statistics
  • - A rowing club in the U.S. has an average of 140 participants
  • - There are an estimated 4.87 coaches per club
  • - A estimated 6,460 presently active coaches in the U.S.
  • - A rowing club in the U.S. has an average of 159 participants
  • - There are an estimated 5.7 coaches per club
  • - An estimated 12,540 presently active coaches in the U.S. - a doubling of the number of coaches since 2004.
Market Value
The total value of the U.S. rowing market annually is $398 million.
The total value of the U.S. rowing market annually is $691 million - a staggering 33% increase since 2004.

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