
Introducing the BalancePoint

A Natural Improvement
The BalancePoint™ handle is a replacement handle for sweep oars that will make sweep rowing healthier and faster. The patented design allows the athlete to make a more balanced and natural stroke that decreases strain and fatigue, while increasing power transmission from the athlete to the water.

A Safer Stroke
By allowing the handle of the oar to pivot, the athlete can keep his or her shoulders square to the direction of effort. This reduces the asymmetric loading of the back which is the cause of so many injuries in sweep rowing. Learn more in our Health Benefits section.

A Stronger Stroke
The BalancePoint handle also allows a full extension of the inboard arm at the catch, thereby transferring the heavy initial load from the small muscles of the arm to the larger muscles of the back. This not only reduces strain in the arm and shoulder and equalizes loading across the back, but it also decreases fatigue and allows for a stronger finish.

How does it work?
Operation of the BalancePoint handle is intuitive and natural. After a day or two of practice it will probably feel more comfortable that rowing with a fixed handle.

To row the oar, simply exert equal pressure on both hands and pull normally. This will probably feel very similar to rowing on an ergometer.

How do you feather?
At the finish, press down on the handle to pick the blade out of the water, then twist the handle to feather the blade. The pivoting design of the BalancePoint handle actually makes the feathering motion easier than a fixed handle, because the handle can be rotated slightly to give the rower better leverage when feathering. Returning back to the catch, the rower has only to extend both arms to square up the blade before starting the next stroke.

When can I get a BalancePoint™ handle?
Production units are now available! Please visit our purchasing page today to order your handles.

More Questions?
Please visit our frequently asked questions section or email us directly.

BalancePoint Health Benefits

The Balance Point oar handle is designed to reduce back strain and injury by reducing the asymmetry in a rowing stroke. However, it is important to remember that no amount of technology is a sufficient substitute for proper training and technique.

Disc Injuries
Disc injury is frequent in the rowing world because of the large demands the sport puts on the athlete's back. The combined effects of bending forward, twisting, and pulling put an extraordinary load on the wall of the disc and can lead to a serious injury. The figure below shows how the twisting of the back is significantly reduced when a BalancePoint handle is used.

The figure to the left shows two rowers at the catch. The top rower (blue) is using a conventional oar, and must accommodate the angle of the oar by twisting his back.

The second rower (black) is using a BalancePoint pivoting handle, and is able to keep her shoulders perpendicular to the direction of force.

By minimizing the twist of the spine, the BalancePoint handle reduces the stresses on the back and discs, which should help to reduce injury and pain.

Back Muscle Sprains and Strains
Perhaps the most common type of injury in rowing is strained or sprained back muscles. Particularly common in sweep rowing are injuries of the erector spinae muscles which stabilize the spinal column. These injuries are caused by the unequal loading across the back and shoulders when using a standard sweep oar, which causes a net torque along the axis of the spine. The BalancePoint handle forces the rower to apply equal pressure with both arms, therefore balancing the forces across the shoulders and back and reducing torque on the spine.

More Information
Here are a couple of sites on rowing health. Please check back often as we will be adding information as it becomes available.

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