Απόσπασμα από το βιβλιο "Chats on rowing " του Steve Farbrain.


     I have frequently got letters from men going down from college, thanking me for coaching them and often adding: “You have taught me more than rowing, you have taught me something that will help me through life.” I could not understand this at all at first, but as the years roll by and one has passed the allotted span of three score years and ten [Steve was 72 years old when “Chats on Rowing” was published. – P.M.], one begins to see that just as all roads lead to Rome, so all through life the next stroke or the next act is the whole story.

Do your best the next act always, and, when you come to view your life, it will be pleasant work if you do your best the next act always. 

The real religion of a boat club is: “be sure that the worst oar gets the best attention.”

The Jesus Boat Club is a very happy place to-day, and their lower boats show the best rowing. So in rowing, the Spirit is: “use the oar to propel the boat and forget the body.”

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